RECTIFIER CIRCUIT:- Since a diode has the characteristic of having a much greater conductivity in one direction than in the other, it will produce a direct component of current when connected in series with an alternating voltage and a load. This process is known as rectification and is the main use to which diodes are put. There are numerous applications for rectification, e.g. driving a d.c. motor from a.c. mains and the production of direct-voltage supplies for electronic amplifiers . HALF WAVE RECTIFIER:- While alternating currents and voltages play the leading roles in most electrical and electronic equipment, nevertheless many devices can either only operate on unidirectional currents and voltages, or at least they require such a supply as part of their mode of operation. The process of obtaining unidirectional currents and voltages from alternating currents and voltages is termed rectification. When the applied voltage acts in the forward direction, there is no voltage drop...
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