Why doesn't the planet Uranus explode if it contains so much hydrogen and methane ? •The planet Uranus indeed contains a significant amount of hydrogen and methane, both highly flammable gases. •However, the burning of methane or hydrogen requires oxygen. Simply but, there is no free oxygen on the planet Uranus. •On earth, we are so immersed in oxygen that we tend to take it for granted. Many chemical reactions that require oxygen seem to just happen automatically on earth: metals rust, forests catch fire, and candles burn. •We may be tempted to ignore oxygen's role in a chemical reaction since it seems to be always there. •But oxygen is not always present. If I place metal in a jar containing only argon, it will not rust. If I place a lit candle in a jar with no oxygen, its flame will go out. •There is an easy demonstration you can do at home to convince yourself of this fact. •Get a bowl and fill it about a quarter full with bakin...
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