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Showing posts from January 7, 2020


Pimples are one problem, which is up on several women's list of skin concerns. The problem isn't restricted to women,  Men and some teenagers are equal sufferers.  Here are 5 natural ways with which, one may keep pimples at bay.  1.FOOD TO AVOID •Avoid red meats and if you can't avoid non-veg food. Along with this, it's important to avoid certain foods.  •Say a firm no to sweets, fried foods, heavy oily and gravy dishes, chocolates, ice-creams and aerated drinks at all cost.  •Youngsters quench their thirst with colas, instead of water and their parents not saying anything at all. Never do this and if you are a parent, never allow this to happen.  •Teach your youngsters from an early age to eat green vegetables, fruits and drink plenty of water, it may be difficult at times, but believe me , they will thank you in the long run.   2.KEEP YOUR STOMACH CLEAN • Let's talk about the internal care. If you have been suffering from...

How a bowling alley works?

Any bowling alley works through a combination of a wooden or synthetic lane fl anked by semicylindrical gutter channels, an automated pinsetter machine and ball sorter, and a return ball gully and stacker. The glossy, 60-f00t lane is normally constructed out of 39 strips of sugar maple wood, which itself is coated with varying layers of oil down its length. This coating is often heavy towards the bowler end, before dissipating down the alley. This allows a spinning ball more purchase in the fi nal quarter of its journey, enabling pro-bowlers to hit the pins at varying angles. At the pin end of the alley, starting at the termination of the lane, lays the pin-deck. This deck is where the pins are set up and knocked down, and thanks to this constant activity, it is coated with a durable impact-resistant material. Behind the deck lies the fi rst part of the mechanical pinsetter machine. The pit and shaker collects both the fallen ball and pins before shuffl ing them to its rear and into m...

How optic fibers are manufactured?

How does a large glass cylinder become a tiny thread of fl exible glass? The tiny filament of glass at the core of a length of optical fiber starts out as two tubes. These tubes are made from fused quartz glass, which is mainly silica to give it flexible properties. First the glass tubes are dipped in corrosive hydrofluoric acid to remove any oily residues, they are then placed in a pair of lathes that spin and heat both tubes with a hydrogen and oxygen flame. When the tubes turn white they are nearing peak temperature and at 2,000°C the tubes melt together to form one longer tube.  This longer tube is placed in another lathe where it is turned and heated by a burner before being injected with chemical gases containing liquid forms of silicon and germanium. The heat and gases cause a chemical reaction that leaves a fine white soot inside the tube. As the burner travels up and down the length of the tube the soot fuses to create a solid glass core. The outer glass tube will for...

How Hydroelectric power produced?

Water has been used to power man-made mechanisms for hundreds of years, mostly in food production in the form of a mill wheel to grind corn. However, using the kinetic energy of water probably became a reality earlier than you thought. In 1878, inventor Lord Armstrong lit his home in Northumberland using only the power of a nearby waterfall. It’s not until the latter half of the 20th Century that we began to take advantage of the massive potential of hydroelectric power. Intriguingly, both the dirty and environmentally unfriendly coal power plants and clean, green hydro-power use almost identical technology to generate power. Central to a coal-fi red plant is a turbine: coal is burned to produce heat energy, which is used to boil water into steam, which then drives a turbine. Hydroelectric power removes the coal and steam elements and instead, fl owing water turns the blades of each turbine.  By damming a river next to a drop in elevation and releasing a co...

How Milking machines work?

Discover how to get milk from a cow The milk is extracted using a vacuum applied to the cow’s teats. Milk stored in the udder is drawn into a system of pipes leading to a receiver tank where the milk is collected before being passed to the cooling tank. A ‘cluster’ of four teat cups – each consisting of a stainless steel shell, a fl exible rubber lining and a short pulse pipe – are attached to the teats. Between the outer shell and lining is a pulsation chamber that collapses with the addition of air from a pulsator. When the chamber is devoid of air (milk phase) a vacuum is created, which gently draws milk from the teat. When the chamber is fi lled with air (rest phase) the lining of the teat cup collapses and massages the teat. Continued repetition of these phases not only aids milk production by mimicking the action of a suckling calf, it also promotes blood circulation. To help the milk fl ow away through the pipeline, once out of the cow the milk is mixed with air added by...

How Bulletproof glass works?

Shattering the science behind what makes the breakable unbreakable Bullet-resistant glass works by absorbing a bullet’s kinetic (movement) energy and dissipating it across a larger area. Multiple layers of toughened glass are reinforced with alternated layers of polycarbonate – a tough but fl exible transparent plastic which retains the see-through properties of glass. As a bullet strikes the fi rst glass layer, the polycarbonate layer behind it forces the glass to shatter internally rather than outwards.  This process absorbs some of the bullet’s kinetic energy. The high velocity impact also fl attens the bullet’s head. Imagine trying to pierce through a sheet of cotton with the top end of a pencil. It would be very diffi cult compared to using the sharp pointed end. The same principle applies here. The fl at-headed bullet struggles to penetrate the layer of polycarbonate. As the bullet travels through each layer of glass and polycarbonate, the process is repeated until it no l...

How Coal mining is done?

Coal miners literally move mountains to feed our insatiable appetite for cheap energy There’s something brutally simple about coal mining. Take away the monstrous new machinery and ecofriendly marketing jargon and it’s the same dirty, dangerous job it’s always been: fi nd the black stuff and dig it up. The two major schools of coal mining are surface mining and underground mining. To qualify for surface mining, the coal seam must lie within 60 metres of the surface. The miners’ job is to remove all of the ‘overburden’ – the cubic tons of rock, soil and trees above the coal seam – and expose the coal layer for extraction. The main tools of the trade are dynamite and dragline excavators, 2,000-ton behemoths that can move 450 tons of material with one swoop of their massive buckets. Perhaps the most dramatic and controversial surface mining technique is Mountaintop Removal (MTR), in which miners use explosives and heavy machinery to literally knock the top off a mountain – up to 200 ...

How tower cranes work ?

These big birds of sky-high construction are engineering marvels  Tower cranes fl ock to money. During the economic boom years, high-rise construction cranes migrated from Beijing to Shanghai to Dubai, where it was estimated in 2006 that there was one tower crane for every 44 residents of the desert boom-opolis. Tower cranes are feats of structural engineering that often outshine their creations. They are designed to stand 80 metres tall and reach 80 metres out supported only by a narrow steel-frame mast, a concrete foundation and several counterweights. The engineering principle that keeps the twiggy tower crane from tipping over is something called a ‘moment’. If you hang a weight from the crane’s jib arm, it exerts a  rotational force or torque where the arm connects to the top of the mast. The magnitude and direction of this force (clockwise or anticlockwise) is called the moment. If the weight is hung close to the mast, the magnitude of the moment is lower than if t...

How Drilling for oil offshore is done?

The world produces over 82 million barrels of oil every day, much of it in harsh conditions, miles from shore and safety in the event of an emergency. So how is it done? Oil has been around for millions of years, located deep below the land or sea where it became trapped under layers of permeable rocks, or slowly seeping to the surface. Although examples of oil drilling were documented in 4th Century China, the fi rst modern oil-gathering structure was built in 1897, and by 1928 mobile rigs consisting of a simple barge with a drill mounted on top had set the scene for a revolution that fuelled Western industrial dominance for the next century.  Over 82 million barrels of oil are produced every single day, a process that usually starts with a range of surveys. These include geographical and geomagnetic surveys and the deep echo sounding or seismic refl ection surveys that pinpoint the likely location of a substantial deposit. Only then – and after the necessary permits have been o...

How Roller coasters work?

They strike fear into many, but we still love them! Here, we detail the engineering achievement that is the roller coaster, roller coaster working model,roller coaster ride,s ience behind roller coaster,famous roller coaster in world. Some of the world’s most forward-looking engineering is actually in operation right now, in the unexpected setting of the world’s theme parks. From the pioneering 18th Century ‘Russian Mountains’, people have been hooked on the frightful thrill of a roller coaster – and ever since, the challenge has been to make an even bigger, even better, even more terrifying one. Today, they incorporate solutions that are at the leading edge of scientifi c development. This means they are able to accelerate as fast as a drag racer and let passengers experience G-forces way in excess of a Formula 1 race car.  They do all this in complete safety, having passed the very strictest engineering standards. People travel for miles to ride on the latest rolle...

How do these mechanical monsters puncture holes in the Earth?

A pile driver is a mechanical device used to drive piles – deep-lying structural foundations – into the Earth. Traditionally, pile drivers worked by suspending a large heavy object above the pile needing to be driven into the Earth within a guidance frame, which was then released to freefall upon it before being winched back up for another freefall. Modern pile drivers, however, have evolved and come in three types: diesel hammer, hydraulic hammer and vibratory hammers.  Diesel pile drivers operate by utilising a piston in conjunction with a cylinder to compress air and fuel on top of an impact block. Due to the resulting contained explosion once ignited, this has the dual effect of driving the below pile into the ground and projecting the above piston back to the top of its housing, ready to fall again under gravity for another drive cycle. This type of pile driver is the most common worldwide as it is relatively cheap to operate  and features a deceptively simple design. ...

How a circular saw works?

Using a torque force, these clever cutting tools make light work of wood  Circular saws rely on providing a large ‘torque’ in the centre of a hole in the blade. As a force is applied to one side of the hole, a torque force is created much like when using a spanner on a nut, although signifi cantly faster. When cutting through an object such as wood, the circular saw is placed fl at with the saw pointing down. The wood is clamped in place. By slowly moving the blade through the wood it will produce a clean cut. There are several types of circular saw, most spinning at up to 3,500 rotations per minute (rpm) to make a clean cut through an object. Some connect the motor directly to the saw for a one-to-one speed ratio. Others use a combination of large and small cogs to alter the revolution of the saw and ultimately the speed. For example, by attaching a large gear cog to a smaller one on the blade, usually at a ratio of two to one, a motor turning at 1,750 rpm will actually move th...

How Lift/elevator works?

The lift was a world-changing invention because it enabled the creation of today’s stunning skyscrapers, not to mention saving an incredible amount of time and effort! Imagine a world with just stairs… Most modern lifts use a cable system. The lift car runs up and down rails within a shaft, and at the top of the shaft is an electric motor that turns a large wheel, or sheave. Cables run over this, one end of which is attached to the car, the other end to a counterweight. The counterweight weighs the same as the car plus a typical half load, which means that the two structures balance each other out, so the motor doesn’t need to work very hard to move the lift; it just needs to overcome the friction within the system. Of course, the motor must be strong enough to cope with the lift being fully loaded, but this only happens occasionally. A number of cables are used as back-up in the rare event of one failing. In addition, an automatic brake activates if the lift falls too fast. So th...

Inside an MRI scanner

When doctors need the highest quality images possible they turn to MRI scanners, but how do they work? MRI scan ,MRI test, MRI use in medical field, constitutent of MRI machine. Doctors often plan treatments based on imaging. X-rays, ultrasound and CT scans provide useful pictures, but when the highest quality images are needed, they turn to MRI scanners. While CT scanners use x-rays and therefore expose the patient to radiation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses powerful magnets and is virtually risk free. MRI scans are obtained for many medical conditions, although since they  are expensive and complicated to interpret, they certainly aren’t as easy as taking a chest x-ray. Examples for which they are used include planning surgery for rectal cancers, assessing bones for infection (osteomyelitis), looking at the bile ducts in detail for trapped gallstones, assessing ligamental damage in the knee joints and assessing the spinal cord for infections, tumours or...