⭕️ Step 1: ⚜Run the command prompt by going to start and type cmd on the search programs and files. ⭕️ Step 2: ⚜ Select the virus affected drive (drivename: ) 👉 examples C: J: F: D: E: ⭕️ Step 3: ⚜ type attrib -s -h *.* /s /d then press enter ⭕️ Step 4: ⚜ type dir ⚜ the dir command shows you the content of the drive ⭕️ Step 5: ⚜ check if there is an unusual .exe file ⚜ if there's an autorun.inf file rename it (rename filename.extension newfilename ) ⭕️ Step 6: ⚜By doing the following steps you can now acces the drive without affecting the virus ⚜ Go to my Computer ⭕️ Step 7: ⚜Select the drive ⭕️ Step 8: ...
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