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Showing posts from January 2, 2020

How to remove Virus without using Antivirus softwares

⭕️ Step 1:        ⚜Run the command prompt by going to start and type cmd on the search programs and files. ⭕️ Step 2:       ⚜ Select the virus affected drive                  (drivename: ) 👉 examples C: J: F: D: E: ⭕️ Step 3:        ⚜ type attrib -s -h *.* /s /d then press enter ⭕️ Step 4:        ⚜ type dir         ⚜ the dir command shows you the content of the drive ⭕️ Step 5:           ⚜ check if there is an unusual .exe file            ⚜ if there's an autorun.inf file rename it  (rename filename.extension newfilename ) ⭕️ Step 6:        ⚜By doing the following steps you can now acces the drive without affecting the virus        ⚜ Go to my Computer  ⭕️ Step 7:        ⚜Select the drive ⭕️ Step 8:   ...

✳️ How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers

⭕️ Requirements: ▪️Port Scanner (I use zenmap in this tutorial) ▪️ Web Browser (I use Google Chrome) ▪️ Internet Connection 〰 First of all I want to tell you why I use Zenmap because Nmap is the best friend of hackers and Zenmap is the graphical user interface of nmap. ⭕️ Step by Step How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers ⚜Step 1: We should select an IP range. I have selected IP range that includes my public IP address. XXX.XXX.30.0-XXX.XXX.30.255 ⚜ Step 2. Now let's scan for home routers.When you finished your scan, You can find IP addresses which has open ports such as http port(80), ftp port(21) and telnet port(23). ⚜ Step 3: Now you can access these addesses using your web browser because http port is opened and we need to find whether the web page is router log in page. ⚜ Step 4: If you see the alert error messages, it says TD-8817. So we can Google for it search "TD-8817 default username and password" ⚜ Step 5: Now let's try to access these IP addresse...

⭕️ How To Remove Location Data From Photos & Videos On iPhone

    ⚜ Removing location data from photos & videos on the iPhone is an easy process. You just need to follow some of the simple steps given below. So, let’s check out how to remove location data from photos & videos on the iPhone. 🌀 Step 1: First of all, open iOS app drawer and select the ‘Photos’ app 🌀 Step 2: Now select the media from which you want to remove the location data. 🌀 Step 3: Next, tap on the ‘Share’ button. 🌀 Step 4: Now on the share page, you need to click on the ‘Options’ 🌀 Step 5: There you need  to disable to toggle for Location. Once done, tap on the ‘Done’ to confirm the changes. Disable to toggle for Location This is how you can remove location data from photos and videos in your iPhone.

How real is Imaginary?

Imaginary numbers can then be represented as corresponding to positions on a vertical line: zero is again in the middle, positive imaginary numbers plotted upward, and negative imaginary numbers plotted downward. Thus imaginary numbers can be thought of as a new kind of number at right angles to ordinary real numbers. Because they are a mathematical construct, they don't need a physical realization; one can't have an imaginary number of oranges or an imaginary credit card bill. One might think this means that imaginary numbers are just a mathematical game having nothing to do with the real world. From the viewpoint of positivist philosophy, however, one cannot determine what is real. All one can do is find which mathematical models describe the universe we live in. It turns out that a mathematical model involving imaginary time predicts not only effects we have already observed but also effects we have not been able to measure yet nevertheless believe in for other reasons...


In the real time space time of classical general relativity time is distinguished from the space directions because it increases only along the history of an observer unlike the space directions, which can increase or decrease along that history. The imaginary time direction of quantum theory, on the other hand, is like another space direction, so can increase or decrease. In an imaginary space time that is a sphere, the imaginary time direction could represent the distance from the South Pole. As one moves north, the circles of latitude at constant distances from the South Pole become bigger corresponding to the universe expanding with imaginary time. The universe would reach maximum size at the equator and then contract again with increasing imaginary time to a single point at the North Pole. Even though the universe would have zero size at the poles, these points would not be singularities, just as the North and South Poles on the Earth's surface are perfectly regular ...

How To Check for IP Address Leak

    ⚜ We are pretty sure that not everyone is 100& sure about the IP address leak issue. You will never know whether your VPN is leaking the real IP address or not. So, in that case, you should always check for IP Address leaks before relying upon the VPN entirely. Follow some of the simple steps given below to check for IP Address leaks. ✅1- First of all, you need to know your actual IP Adress. ✅2- To know the actual IP address, Disconnect the VPN service ✅3- Now head to this site. ✅4- The above site will show you the IP Address. Note it down on a notepad. ✅5- Now sign in with the VPN and connect to any server ✅6- Now revisit this site – ✅7- If your VPN is not leaking the IP Address, it will show you the different IP addresses. ✅8- The ultimate goal is to make sure the IPs are different when connected and when disconnected. 🔘 Thats it you are done.

All about Mechanical Engineering

  Vision : To provide the society and industry with Mechanical Engineers having superior technical capability and ethical responsibility.     Mission : To nurture its students (B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D.) with fundamentals of the subject and an up-to-date technological skill to meet regional as well as national priorities in higher education. The program also strives to enhance learning skill, quality research and scholarly activities to be integrated with teaching.    Program Educational Objectives :    I. The program provides excellent preparation for a career in mechanical engineering and prepares students for a career at the forefront of technology.  II. To train students in the methods of engineering science and in the application of these methods to conceive, organize and carry out the design of engineering systems.  III. To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects. ...