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Showing posts from January 3, 2020

What if all Nitrogen Disappeared?

Our atmosphere is 78% nitrogen. Together with oxygen and other gases, our atmosphere exerts a huge pressure on our bodies. While breathing, this atmospheric pressure helps squeeze out oxygen from our lungs into our blood. So, without nitrogen, atmospheric pressure would drop, thus reducing the amount of oxygen entering our blood. Also, air in our sinuses exerts an equal amount of pressure to balance the atmospheric pressure. However, low atmospheric pressure will create pressure differences, leading to headaches. Without nitrogen, number of free unstable oxygen radicals would drastically increase in our body, leading to damage of our DNA, thus increasing the risk of cancer. Lastly, nitrogen is an essential component of our DNA, RNA and even chlorophyll, the pigment which helps plant prepare its food. So basically, without nitrogen, there would be no life on earth.

Is it safe to Eat Leftovers?

According to experts, the leftovers are safe to eat if we follow the 2-2-4 rule. Here, the first 2 indicates that we should refrigerate leftover food within two hours of cooking. This is because at room temperature, that is at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, there is fast growth of bacteria. Hence, refrigerating leftover food, that is dropping its temperature be-low 40 degrees Fahrenheit slows down the bacterial growth. The second 2 implies that we should store leftovers in a layer no more than 2 inches deep. This allows quick and even cooling, thus minimizing the bacterial growth. Finally, the 4 in the rule indicates that we should eat the refrigerated leftovers within 4 days. This is because refrigeration just slows down the bacterial growth, it doesn’t completely halt their growth. Hence, after 4 days, the bacteria reach a threshold concentration, where they make the food bad enough to cause indigestion, food poisoning, etc.

What if we Dump trash into Volcanoes?

Now, the only advantage here as compared to existing garbage incinerators would be conservation of fuel required for burning. However, there will be quite a number of disadvantages. Firstly, in order to burn the trash, we will have to locate a currently active volcano which also has a lava lake. Such volcanoes are quite rare. Secondly, transporting the garbage will cost time, money and a whole lot of fuel. Thirdly, modern garbage incinerator plants are more efficient in controlling harmful emissions into the atmosphere as compared to volcanoes. Fourthly, although lava is extremely hot, it can’t melt everything. Hence, the remaining trash would just float and when the volcano would erupt, the trash would spread to surrounding areas, contaminating the soil. Fifthly, water in trash trapped in lava expands hundreds of times its original volume to form steam. This expanding steam which puts extreme pressure on the lava, may burst out, thus creating mini explosions. Lastly, an ac...

Why do we swing our Arm while Walking?

When we walk, we usually take a step and swing the opposite arm forward. Why we do this, is something scientists are still trying to figure out.  However, as per an experiment, it was found that when we swing our arms, we use 12% less energy as compared to when we hold our arms still. This means normal arm swinging is not muscle-driven, but instead they naturally move like a pendulum. Some experts even suggest that arm swinging helps balance our body’s rotational motion. When we put one leg forward, the pelvis twists or rotates sideways. Thus, forward swing of the opposite hand counterbalances this rotation, helping us walk straight. However, some people believe that arm swinging might be an evolutionary remnant of our ancestors who used all their four limbs to walk.