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Showing posts from January 11, 2020


  Amazing   Facts   About   Shopping 1.Women spend about 8 years shopping , over the course of a lifetime.  2.Women who shop a lot are more confident and less likely to be depressed.  3.Wearing high heels makes you spend more.  4.An average woman spends more money on jewelry, shoes, and watches than on higher education.  5.Most Women think about shopping every minute, which translates to 950 times a day.  6.Women who shop clothes feel better than women who shop kitchenware and domestic goods.  CONCLUSION:- There's nothing wrong with shopping. It is a form of a workout, an anti-stress therapy and it fills your heart with confidence. 


Tips for Social Media Success 1.Be passionate about your topic otherwise don’t start. 2.Know who your target audience is.  3.Write or publish text or video content for your audience, that is topical, answers problems and provides “How To’s”. 4.Connect with other influential social media influencers in your industry. 5.Share their content. 6.Read, read, read and then read even more about your topics (mine are Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn).  7.Don’t be afraid to fail “small” and fail “often”. Waiting to publish, while making it perfect, means it will never happen. Just “Ship It”

Are X-rays Safe?

X-rays pass through our flesh and organs. The large calcium molecules that make up our skeleton block the path of x-rays. This results in the negative image seen here   Are X-rays Safe?   •Did you know that falling out of bed kills 450 people a year in the US.  •Ants claim another 30 lives and vending machines kill around 13 people; Safety is a relative term. •An x-ray is a form of high energy radiation with a wavelength about 10,000 times shorter than that of visible light.  •The danger with x-rays is that they can knock electrons away from atoms, creating ions; this is why x-rays are called 'ionising radiation'.  •Ions are much more reactive than atoms and can shoot about your body damaging important molecules like DNA.  •This can cause mutation, or even cancer, if the dose is high enough. •But that is the key - ' if the dose is high enough .'  •The increase in radiation your body receives during an x-ray is equivalent to the extra radiation you ar...

What causes Heartburn?

When we eat food, it passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. Here, the stomach acid begins to digest the food.  Now w, the inner lining of the stomach is protected from the stomach acid with the help of mucus which is produced by special cells. However, the stomach acid can sometimes flow back into the esophagus, causing irritation, as there are no special cells to protect it. Hence, at the junction of esophagus and stomach, a band of muscles called lower esophageal sphincter or LES prevents this acid as well as chunks of food from flowing back. However, when the LES abnormally relaxes or weakens the stomach acid is able to flow back into the esophagus, creating a burning sensation called heartburn. Heartburn may also be caused due to the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, chocolates, etc as they relax the LES. Remember that spicy foods and citrus fruits irritate the esophageal lining and increase the production of stomach acid, thus worsening heartb...

Why is Hot water Harmful for Fish?

Most fish use oxygen dissolved in water for respiration and metabolism. However, solubility of gases decreases with increase in temperature.  Hence, as the water gets warmer, less oxygen begins to dissolve in water, making it hard for the fish to breathe. Also, as temperature increases, the fish's metabolism increases, in turn increasing the oxygen requirement. Eventually, there won't be enough oxygen for the fish, causing it to suffocate and maybe die. Hence, if you have an aquarium, you should always check and maintain its water temperature. You can also use a filter or bubbler which helps add and circulate oxygen, thus maintaining your fish's health. READ ALSO Should we drink Fruit Juices? Why are Pizza Boxes Square? What if Plastic was Never Invented?

Can Trees Talk?

Beneath our feet, thousands of tree roots are connected to one another by fungi, whose roots penetrate and spread into the ground. They form a network called mycorrhizal network, through which trees send chemical signals and talk to each other. Big mother trees called Hubs send nourishment to smaller plants, helping them grow. Also, a dying tree deposits its resources in the network for other trees to use. READ ALSO Why can't babies walk at birth? Can Dogs recognize their Moms? What happens to our Body when we get Angry? Should we drink Fruit Juices? What is the Color of a Mirror?

Where is the Biggest Garbage Dump on Earth?

Every year, we dump around 8 million tons of plastic waste in the oceans. Since plastic doesn't degrade easily, it keeps floating in the oceans for hundreds of years. Over time, strong winds and natural ocean currents cause this plastic to gather in five massive garbage patches. The biggest garbage patch of them all is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or GPGP. It is in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California. According to estimations, nearly 1.8 trillion plastic pieces are floating in the GPGP, which weigh about 90,000 tons. Also, some people say that the GPGP is twice the size of Texas. Environmentalists are actively trying to develop alternatives for plastic. We should also contribute and reduce its use. READ ALSO What if Plastic was Never Invented? What if we accidentally Eat Plastic? Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out? Should we drink Fruit Juices?

Is sleeping in Contact Lenses bad?

Contact lenses act like a sponge and absorb the moisture present in our eyes. They even trap bacteria. So, wearing them for too long, failing to clean them periodically and sleeping in them can cause excessive dryness and even eye infection. In addition to this, unlike other parts of our body, the cornea of our eye receives oxygen from the surrounding air and not from blood vessels. Now, when we wear contact lenses during the day, it reduces the oxygen supply to the cornea. But when we wear them while sleeping also, it further reduces the oxygen supply to the cornea. Hence, to satisfy the oxygen need, tiny blood vessels grow in the cornea, thus causing blurred vision. READ ALSO Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out? Is it Safe to eat Moldy Bread? What if we Swallow Chewing Gum? Is it Bad to Hold our Urine? Why can't babies walk at birth?

Why are Gold and Platinum used to make Jewellery?

Gold and platinum are used to make jewelry because they are malleable and ductile metals. Malleability is the property by which metals can be beaten into sheets, while ductility is the property by which metals can be drawn into thin wires. These properties allow gold and platinum to be molded into a variety of designs. In addition to this, gold and platinum are very rare as well as lustrous, meaning, they have a shiny appearance. These qualities make them even more attractive and enticing. Besides this, gold and platinum are noble metals. Noble metals are a group of metals which are not very reactive. They resist corrosion and oxidation. Hence, the jewelry made of gold and platinum doesn't easily lose its shine READ ALSO Why can't babies walk at birth? What happens to our Body when we get Angry? Should we drink Fruit Juices?

Why can't babies walk at birth?

New-born elephants or horses walk shortly after birth, while human babies need almost one year. This is because the human brain is not developed enough at birth, while the brains of elephants and horses are. Once the brain develops over a year, human babies start walking. Our brain isn't developed enough at birth because, in that case, the brain would be bigger in size, requiring a larger skull, thus making childbirth very difficult. Also, animals like horses and elephants walk only on their toes. However, humans use both heels and toes to walk. This means, they use the full length of their feet, making walking a more complex skill. Thus, this requires more coordination and brain power, resulting in more time for us to walk. READ ALSO Is sleeping in Contact Lenses bad? Can Trees Talk? What happens to our Body when we get Angry?

Can Dogs recognize their Moms?

Whether a puppy recognizes its mother after a long gap or not, depends on how much time the puppy spent with its mother. The period between the first 2 to 16 weeks is a very critical period of a puppy's life. During this period, the puppy imprints on its mother. This means, it builds a strong bond with its mother, based on sight and smell. If this happens properly, then the puppy recognizes its mother even after separation. However, the puppy won't remember the specific relation. It will just recognize her as a familiar dog, because of the imprint. Since father dogs are usually unavailable during a puppy's critical period, the puppy cannot recognize its father, due to lack of imprinting. READ ALSO Should we drink Fruit Juices? What is the Color of a Mirror? Why are Pizza Boxes Square? What if we Swallow Chewing Gum? Why can't babies walk at birth?

What happens to our Body when we get Angry?

Anger is a quite complex emotion. For some people, in displeasing situations, anger can completely overpower them before the discretionary parts of their brain can think and make proper judgements. When we get angry, what happens in terms of brain is that it initiates our fight or flight response. First, a part of the brain called amygdala is activated which signals the release of catecholamines and cortisol. These chemicals increase our heart rate and blood pressure, thus making us feel energetic. They even redirect blood from our intestinal tract to our head, hands and legs, thus preparing us for some physical action. So, this is what happens when we get angry. Note that, frequent anger isn’t good because these chemicals also release fatty acids which can accumulate in our blood vessels, decreasing blood flow, thus increasing the chances of heart attack, stroke, etc. READ ALSO Why are Pizza Boxes Square? What if Plastic was Never Invented? What if we acc...

Should we drink Fruit Juices?

Compared to fruits, fruit juices are unhealthy as they are devoid of the fruit’s fiber. Fruit’s fibrous content slows down absorption of its fructose in bloodstream, preventing unnecessary spikes in our insulin. As juice doesn’t have fiber, it results in fast absorption of the juice’s fructose, causing sudden spikes in insulin. Overtime, this can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Now, one glass of orange juice contains at least 8 oranges. Instead of drinking juice, if we decide to eat oranges, it isn’t possible to eat more than 2 or 3. Thus, we consume more calories. Also, our brain doesn’t get the same feeling of fullness on drinking, that it gets on eating. We feel hungrier sooner, thus leading to over-consumption. Note that, packaged fruit juices are definitely unhealthy as they are prepared by keeping fresh fruit juices in oxygen-depleted environments for a year and chemicals are also added to enhance their flavor. READ ALSO What if we Swallow Chewing Gum? Is...

Why do we have different Eye colors?

Colored part of the eye is called iris. Iris contains a pigment called melanin. Melanin is of 2 types, pheomelanin and eumelanin.  The color of our eyes is dependent on the amount and type of melanin produced. If we have more melanin with higher concentration of eumelanin, then we will have darker eye color such as brown. However, if we have less melanin with higher concentration of pheomelanin, then we will probably have blue or green eyes. Now, according to a study, the amount and type of melanin produced in our eyes, is mainly determined by 2 genes, OCA2 and HERC2 present on chromosome 15. Since these genes are inherited from our parents, we will probably have an eye color similar to our parents. But, note that sometimes, certain mutations in the genes can produce different eye colors .

What is the Color of a Mirror?

The color of an object depends on which color it reflects. If an object reflects blue, it appears blue. If it reflects all colors, it appears white. Now, a mirror reflects almost all colors. So that means, its color should be white, just like snow. But it's not!! Snow scatters light in all directions, making it appear white. But the mirror doesn't reflect light the same way. It reflects light at the same angle and direction from which it arrives. This is called specular reflection. Thus, it creates an image of whatever is in front of it. Now, mirrors best reflect light at wavelengths between 495 and 570 nanometers. The wavelengths in this range appear green to us. We can observe this when two mirrors face each other. In this case, the same image is reflected back and forth, making green color prominent READ ALSO What if we Stopped Sleeping? Can Blind people Dream? Why are we Afraid of the Dark? Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out? What if we accide...

Why are Pizza Boxes Square?

Even though pizzas are round, square boxes are preferred. This is because a square box is made using just a single, cardboard, sheet. While a round box requires several sheets, that need to be joined together using special machinery. So, it is cheaper and simpler to make square boxes. As square boxes can be easily assembled on-site, they are transported in the form of flat cardboard sheets, easily stacked on one another. However, round boxes need to be first assembled. This makes it difficult to transport and store these huge piles of boxes on-site. Further, there are empty spaces around the pizza in the square box, making it easy to lift the pizza slice. The empty spaces can even be used to place chili flakes, oregano, et c. READ ALSO Why do we have different Eye colors? Are X-rays Safe? What if Plastic was Never Invented? What if we accidentally Eat Plastic? Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out?

What if Plastic was Never Invented?

Plastic is not biodegradable. As compared to organic waste, it takes hundreds of years to decompose. No plastic means land and water pollution would be reduced by a great extent. However, plastic is cheap, extremely easy to manufacture, very versatile and doesn't get affected by water. It would be very difficult to replace plastic. Glass and paper can theoretically replace plastic. But this would come at a grave cost. Firstly, it would prove to be expensive. Secondly, as paper is made from trees, it can prove to be a disaster for the environment. Electronics industry would greatly suffer as plastic is widely used everywhere, from computers to smartphones. To conclude, instead of banning plastic altogether, banning the use of single use plastic seems like a solution the world is waiting for. READ ALSO What if we accidentally Eat Plastic? Is it Safe to eat Moldy Bread? Why are we Afraid of the Dark? Can Blind people Dream?

What if we accidentally Eat Plastic?

Firstly, plastic is not biodegradable. As compared to organic waste, it takes hundreds of years to decompose. But, if the quantity of swallowed plastic is small, then it will not be a problem. Our body pushes out the materials which it cannot digest. Problems might occur if the quantity of swallowed plastic is large. Our body will not be able to push it out. It will stay in our gut and might partially prevent further food digestion. In extreme cases, this may also prove to be fatal. Also, many plastics are chemical-laden. These chemicals are commonly known as phthalates. They are used to make plastics more flexible, transparent, hard to break as well as to increase their longevity. Phthalates are extremely harmful to our body. They can damage our liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system.

Can Sneezing Pop your Eyes Out?

However, eyes popping out, also scientifically known as globe luxation is almost impossible. This is because your eye muscles and bony eye sockets are the once which firmly hold your eyeballs in place every time, even while sneezing. Now, when you sneeze, a huge pressure builds up in your chest and head. However, this pressure is extremely unlikely to dislocate your eyeballs because the pressure is released through your nose and mouth. However, it is important to note that there are a very small number of cases reported, in which eyeballs have indeed popped out due to sneezing. So, it’s certainly not impossible, but is extremely rare.

Is it Safe to eat Moldy Bread?

The mold on our bread is a fungus. The green visible parts on the bread are just spores of the fungus. Its invisible branches called hyphae actually spread deep into the bread, creating an extensive network. Now, as fungi don’t have chlorophyll, they cannot prepare their own food. Hence, they rely on other sources. Bread is one of their best options because it contains nutrients as well as moisture. Now, it is neither recommended to eat moldy bread, nor it is safe to scrap off the mold and eat the rest. It is because some molds can produce mycotoxins that can be harmful for humans. Also, as bread is a soft food, the hyphae can easily penetrate deeper, making scrapping or cutting worthless.

What if we Swallow Chewing Gum?

Firstly, it is a myth that chewing gum sticks to the insides our stomach just like it sticks to any other surface. It does not, it passes through the body just like any other food. Our body is able to digest many parts of the chewing gum like sweeteners, flavorings, etc., but not the gum resin. However, that does not mean that it stays in our stomachs for years, in fact, just like any other waste material, it is pushed through our intestines and then finally out of the body. So, is there any use of swallowing a chewing gum? The answer is a big no, because it has absolutely no nutritional value. Also note that, choking may occur if big chunks of swallowed gum get stuck in our windpipe. READ ALSO Why are we Afraid of the Dark? Why don't Birds get Electrocuted on Power Cables? Are Earphones harmful? What if Wind suddenly Stopped?

Is it Bad to Hold our Urine?

Our body has various ways to get rid of unwanted waste materials. One of these ways is through urine. Urine is a liquid waste consisting of unwanted materials like water, salts, urea, uric acid, etc. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra. The two kidneys filter blood and produce urine, which flows through the ureters and starts getting collected in the urinary bladder. When our urinary bladder starts getting full and it begins to stretch or expand, the nerves of the bladder inform the brain to produce an urge to urinate. Now, when we want to urinate, the bladder contracts and the urine flows out of the body through the urethra. Once in a while, it's okay to hold our urine. But stress and pressures of modern life make us hold our urine more often and for longer periods, which can have negative effects on our health.  For example, a wet and warm bladder of urine is the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Henc...

What if we Stopped Sleeping?

If you stay awake for around 24 hours, you won't really feel tired or exhausted. Instead, you feel energetic, positive and happy!! Do you know why? Because the brain secretes extra dopamine, the happy hormone to compensate for lack of sleep. But, this doesn’t last long. After 48 hours of staying awake, body starts shutting down. You feel exhausted as the body cannot metabolize glucose properly, lowering energy supply. Immune system weakens, you start looking pale and make impulsive decisions. Continuing to stay awake, can lead to hallucinations, making it difficult to understand what is real. In a study, a student called Randy Garner went without sleep for 11 days. Though, he is fine now, this isn’t recommended as studies show that 14 days without sleep can lead to death.

Can Blind people Dream?

Dreams are a collection of images, events or sensations which we see or feel in our daily lives. Now, whether a blind person can see in his dreams or not, depends on when he lost his vision. If he lost his vision in the later stage of his life, then his brain would use visual information stored in his memories to create dreams. But the same wouldn’t happen if an individual is blind since birth. This is because his brain has never received any visual information. So instead, his dreams would get their content from memories of sound, smell, touch, etc., which he perceives in his everyday life. However, another science experiment showed results contrary to this. In that experiment, people who were blind since birth were able to draw their dreams, thus proving that they not only sense or feel, but also see in their dreams.

Why are we Afraid of the Dark?

Some experts say humans have developed this fear due to evolution. In prehistoric times, our ancestors were at high risk of being attacked by predators or enemies, when in dark.  Hence, through evolution, the tendency to fear darkness developed. Also, in the dark, as we cannot see properly, it creates anxiety, making us imagine the worst possible outcomes. So, it is not the darkness itself that we find frightening, it is what or who lurks in that darkness. Also, if we observe other people getting afraid, or if we are told to be afraid about something, we immediately accept those things as scary. So, whether it is our parents warning us about the dark, or a horror movie showing a ghost appear in the dark, our brain latches onto it and starts getting afraid of the darkness.

What if Wheels were Never Invented?

Wheels are believed to have been invented almost 5500 years ago. Ever imagined what the world would be like without wheels? How would you go to school, work or even on a holiday? Bicycles, cars, steam engines and even planes, nothing would be possible without the wheels. Yes, horses and sledges would be there. But it would be a super slow and super rough ride. Not only in transportation, but wheels are also a major component of the industrial revolution. Elevators, blinds, cranes, etc., all have some form of wheel hidden in them. Now, on adding teeth to wheels, gears were invented. Clocks, grinders, car engines, bicycles and other complex machines work with the help of gears. So, basically, if wheels were never invented, we might still be living the prehistoric way.

Why don't Birds get Electrocuted on Power Cables?

Electricity is the flow of electrons through conductors. It always takes the easiest route, i.e., electricity always flows through a path of least resistance. Now, the power cables through which electricity flows are made of copper. Copper offers least resistance and is a very good conductor of electricity. However, the bird's body offers greater resistance and is not a good conductor as copper. Hence, electricity ignores the bird and flows through the cables and birds don't get electrocuted. Besides this, electricity flows from its highest potential to its lowest. Now, the power cables usually run at different potentials. If bird's feet are on the same power cable, then they are at same potential. Thus, the bird doesn't get electrocuted. However, when the bird touches two cables with different potentials at the same time, then electricity will flow through the bird to go to the other cable with lower potential and the bird will get electrocuted.

Are Earphones harmful?

When any sound wave enters our ear, it creates vibrations in our eardrum. These vibrations then travel through tiny bones and eventually get transmitted to cochlea. Cochlea is a fluid-filled chamber with tiny hair cells. The vibrations move the fluid as well as the hair cells, allowing us to hear.  Now, as earphones are very close to our eardrums, continuous loud music causes extreme movement of the hair cells, thus decreasing their sensitivity over time, eventually leading to hearing loss. However, we can prevent this by the following ways. Firstly, we can hear better quality music at a lower volume level with noise-cancelling earphones as they remove unwanted background sounds. Secondly, some experts recommend the 60 by 60 rule. One should listen to music at 60% volume for a maximum of 60 minutes. Thirdly, over-the-ear headphones are recommended as they are further away from our eardrums

What if Wind suddenly Stopped?

Firstly, if there was no wind in heavily industrialized places, pollutants would not disperse, making the air extremely toxic . Secondly, equators would get more hotter, while poles would get more cooler because in the absence of winds, heat at the equator will not be carried to the poles. Thirdly, kite & sailing ship enthusiasts would be extremely unhappy as kites will suddenly fall down & sailing ships would suddenly halt. Fourthly, birds would be very sad as they will not be any free lift anymore. They will have to flap their wings all the time. Fifthly, as winds are a major source of pollination, without winds, plant life would greatly suffer. Sixthly, wind energy companies will not be happy with this sudden change. One plus point of winds stopping suddenly is that there will be no more tornadoes & hurricanes.

What if there were No Clouds?

Firstly, without any clouds, sunsets would no longer look spectacular. Secondly, without any clouds, there would be no way to redistribute fresh water from one place to another because no clouds means no rains. Eventually, all the water present on earth would evaporate and our earth would begin to look like mars, dry and barren. Thirdly, temperatures would suddenly rise during daytime and drop at night. This is because clouds help regulate temperature. As clouds are generally white in color, they reflect a good amount of sunlight, thus helping keep our day temperatures down. But at the same time, at night, they don't allow all the heat reflected from earth to escape, thus not allowing our nights to get too cold.

What if all Insects Disappeared?

You might think insects are inconsequential, but the reality is, w ithout them, there probably would be no life on earth!!  The first life to get affected, would be plant life. Most plants in the world are angiosperms, that is, flowering plants. Without insects pollinating them, plant life would gradually disappear. Gradually, birds and mammals feeding on plants would also disappear. Further, insects are food for many birds, frogs, reptiles, etc. Without insects, they would also start dying. Then, animals eating those animals would also start dying. This would ultimately lead to a domino effect, finally wiping out the top of the food chain, that is, human beings. Also, don’t be surprised, if you suddenly see a lot of dead things everywhere. This is because insects are decomposers. Without insects, decomposition process would take much longer.

Why don't cockroaches die easily?

Cockroaches are highly resilient creatures. They even survived the mass extinction that wiped out dinosaurs. C ockroaches don’t die easily because they have a strong, flexible exoskeleton. It helps them withstand weights which are up to 300 to 900 times their own body weight. In addition to this, cockroaches can live without food for a month and a week without water. Cockroaches can even hold their breath for around 40 minutes in water and can survive without a head for a week. They also have tiny holes on their bodies which help them breathe, thus preventing them from dying instantly.

Why do Bees Die when they Sting us?

Honeybees are the only bees that die after stinging. But if they die, why do they sting? Bees only sting when they feel we are a threat to their queen or their hive. Now, the stinger of a honeybee is barbed. After stinging, it can easily come out, if the skin is thin. But since human skin is thick, the barbed stinger gets stuck. Hence, when the bee tries to pull herself, she ends up tearing the abdomen, leaving behind her venom sac, parts of the digestive tract, etc., and thus, killing herself. Now, although the bee is dead, we should make sure that we remove the sting. This is because in spite of being detached from the bee, the venom sac continues to pump venom, thus increasing the pain.

Hot Shower vs Cold Shower, which is better?

Let’s have a look at the advantages of cold showers: Firstly, as we are warm-blooded, the sudden sensation of cold water awakens our body, thus making us feel fresh and alert. Secondly, many scientists believe that when our body suddenly comes in contact with cold water, it sends a jolt of electrical impulses to our brain, helping boost our mood in the process. Lastly, cold showers may contribute to weight loss as our body might burn more fat to generate heat. Hot showers have the following advantages: Firstly, scientists believe that hot showers lead to the release a hormone called oxytocin, easing anxiety and stress. Secondly, as hot showers can help clear the nasal passage, they might be beneficial for a person suffering from cold. Thirdly, hot water can help release tension and stiffness in our muscles. Lastly, hot water can kill bacteria, thus preventing infections.

What if Earth Doubled in Size?

Diameter of earth would increase from 8,000 miles to 16,000 miles. If the density of earth remains same, then its mass will increase 8-fold. Earth's gravity will naturally double. This will have major consequences. Firstly, our weight will double. All the gyms will definitely see increased enrolments. Secondly, our bones will not be able to support our increased weight. Thirdly, our hearts will have to work double hard to make sure blood reaches all the parts of our body. Fourthly, birds, airplanes, choppers will all fall down to the ground. Fifthly, trees will not be able to stand upright. Most of them will fall down. Finally, if we fall down, it will hurt twice as much.