INTRODUCTION The word biometrics comes from the Greek words “bios” (life) and “metrikos” (measure). Strictly speaking, it refers to a science involving the statistical analysis of biological characteristics. Thus, we should refer to biometric recognition of people, as those security applications that analyze human characteristics for identity verification or identification. However, we will use the short term “biometrics” to refer to “biometric recognition of people”. MAIN FOCUS OF THE ARTIClE This article presents an overview of the main topics related to biometric security technology, with the central purpose to provide a primer on this subject. Biometrics can offer greater security and convenience than traditional methods for people recognition. Even if we do not want to replace a classic method password or handheld token) by a biometric one, for sure, we are potential users of these systems, which will even be mandatory for new passport models. For this reason, it is u...
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