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Showing posts from January 10, 2020


1. The heart of a shrimp is located in its head. 2. A snail can sleep for three years. 3. The fingerprints of a koala are so indistinguishable from humans that they have on occasion been confused at a crime scene. 4. Slugs have four noses. 5. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. 6. A rhinoceros ' horn is made of hair . 7. It is possible to hypnotize a frog by placing it on its back and gently stroking its stomach. 8. It takes a sloth two weeks to digest its food. 9. Nearly three percent of the ice in Antarctic glaciers is penguin urine. 10. A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime. 11. Bats always turn left when leaving a cave. 12. Giraffes have no vocal cords. 13. Kangaroos can't fart. ...


The gas companies collect it in huge storage tanks, or underground, in old gas wells. The gas remains there until it is added back into the pipeline when people  begin to use more gas, such as in the winter to heat homes. Natural gas is moved by pipelines from the producing fields to consumers. Since natural gas demand is greater in the winter, gas is stored along the way in large underground storage systems, such as old oil and gas wells or caverns formed in old salt beds. The gas remains there until it is added back into the pipeline when people begin to use more gas, such as in the winter to heat homes. When chilled to very cold temperatures, approximately -260 degrees Fahrenheit, natural gas changes into a liquid and can be stored in this form. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be loaded onto tankers (large ships with several domed tanks) and moved across the ocean to deliver gas to other countries. Once in this form, it takes up only 1/600th of the space that it would in its gas...


Millions of years ago, the remains of plants and animals decayed and built up in thick layers. This decayed matter from plants and animals is called organic material -- it was once alive. Over time, the mud and soil changed to rock, covered the organic material and trapped it beneath the rock. Pressure and heat changed some of this organic material into coal, some into oil (petroleum), and some into natural gas -- tiny bubbles of odorless gas. The main ingredient in natural gas is methane, a gas (or compound) composed of one carbon atom and  four hydrogen atoms. In some places, gas escapes from small gaps in the rocks into the air; then, if there is enough activation energy from lightning or a fire, it burns. When people first saw the flames, they experimented with them and learned they could use  them for heat and light. HOW WE GET NATURAL GAS The search for natural gas begins with geologists (people who study the structure of the earth) locating the types of rock...

6 Amazing fact about India's Ranking

🌕 According to Bloomberg New Economy Global Survey, India and China will surpass the U.S. as the World’s Centers of Tech Innovation by 2035. 🌕 India is the largest producer (25% of global production), consumer (27% of world consumption) and importer (14%) of pulses in the world. 🌕 India has the world’s second largest human population at 121 crore, it leads the world in livestock population at 125.5 crore. 🌕 India is the world’s largest producer and consumer of milk. It produces around 150 million tonne milk annually. 🌕 With 63% of global production, India leads in the cultivation of chickpea—a crop grown in 52 countries. While average productivity is higher in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh contributes the most to the country’s chickpea production ( largest producer ). It is the "chickpea bowl of the world" 🌕 As per International Service for the acquisition of Agri-biotech Applicationsreport 2018, India ranks 5th in the global cultivat...

3 Amazing fact about Cyber security

🌕 According to ‘Current State of Cybercrime — 2019’,Social media fraud increased 43% in 2018. 🌕 Fraud in the mobile channel has grown significantly over the past several years, with 70% of artifice originating in the mobile channel in 2018.  🌕 In particular, fraud from mobile apps increased 680% between 2015 and 2018, said the study, adding that the use of rogue mobile applications to defraud consumers was on the rise. The results suggest that cybercriminals are increasingly relying on Facebook, WhatsApp and other legitimate social media and messaging platforms to communicate with eachother and sell stolen identities, credit card numbers.

7 Amazing Facts about Malaria in India

● India ranks very high in the list of countries with a serious malaria burden. In 2018 alone nearly 4 lakh cases of malaria and 85 deaths due to the disease were  reported in the country, according to data from the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. ● WHO pegged death alone at nearly 17,000 in 2017, India has one of the worst country-malaria-burden in the world. ● Questions are repeatedly asked about the veracity of the Indian data, with some reports suggesting India may be recording just 8% of the actual number of malaria cases. Between 60% and 80% of patients in the urban areas are treated by private doctors or health establishments, most of whom do not notify cases. ● Six states — Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, and Mizoram along with the tribal areas of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh,  account for 90% of India’s malaria burden. ● Over 435,000 malaria related deaths occurred in 2017 in world, and young ...

10 Amazing Facts about water crisis

🌕 Nearly 2 lakh people die every year in India because of consuming contaminated drinking water. 🌕 A 2018 paper published in the Journal Of Hydrology by IIT Indore researchers found that only about 32% of India’s landmass is resilient to water stress during  the course of a single dry season. 🌕 India, the world's largest groundwater consumer uses around 230 cubic kilometres of groundwater in a year.  🌕 According to NITI Aayog, Groundwater which is the source of 40% of India's water needs is depleting at an unsustainable rate.  🌕 India, the world's largest groundwater consumer uses around 230 cubic kilometres of groundwater accounting for 12% of global groundwater extraction in a year. At this rate by 2030, nearly 60% of India's aquifers will be in a critical state. 🌕 Out of total available groundwater of 253 BCM (billion cubic metres), agriculture (irrigation) alone consumes around 90% .  🌕 Groundwater resources are overexploited i...

8 Amazing Facts about Digital Indian

🌕 According to McKinsey’s ‘Digital India’ report of 2019, the benefits of digitising India are impressive, although only 40 per cent of the population has internet  access, and there is uneven adoption in businesses, leaving considerable room for improvement.  🌕 A McKinsey survey has found Sections of Indian business that 80 per cent of firms say digital is ‘top priority’, but only 41 per cent say their digital strategy is  fully integrated in their company’s strategy.   🌕 India has the world’s highest data usage per smartphone at an average of 9.8GB per month, a new report by Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson  said.  🌕 Over 21 per cent of those signing up at online outsourcing sites worldwide are Indians, second only to the Americans.  🌕 India is now second only to China in many dimensions of digital adoption —number of wireless phone and Internet subscribers and those accessing social media.  🌕 Eventhough India is still at the botto...

7 Amazing Facts about India's Pollution/Climate change

🌕 Chennai has endured the longest dry spell in a decade this year, with no rains for over 190 days since the northeast monsoon last year. 🌕 From 1965--2017, the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea have collectively registered 46 ‘severe cyclonic storms.’ As many as 28 of them were from October--December. Seven of them have been in May and only two — in 1966  and 1976 — were recorded in April, data from the IMD’s cyclone­ statistics unit shows.   🌕 About 20-30 severe tropical storms occur around the world every year.  🌕 Tropical cyclones in the Indian neighbourhood begin as ‘depressions’ or a gradual build-up of warm air and pockets of low pressure. About 35% of such formations intensify to ‘cyclones’ and only 7% intensify to ‘very severe cyclones’. ( The above datas relate to why tropical storms occurred in may month. This should be seen in that context. If you don’t understand leave it. pick up datas only which use feel you can use it somewhere. Be ...

18 Amazing Facts about India Economy

🌕 Historically, gross household financial savings have been about a third of total savings in the economy, and for the last three decades have been between 9 per  cent and 12 per cent of GDP.  🌕 The drop in gross household financial savings ratio to 9.4 per cent in FY17 (the year of demonetisation), a two-decade low, had raised. The strong rebound to 11.1 per cent reported for FY18.  🌕 India to be the fastest growing major Economy in the next decade : Oxford Economics Report.  🌕 Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) as a share of GDP has stagnated at around 28-29% of GDP.  🌕 With unemployment at 6.7 per cent (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, March 2019) people are forced to opt for low-quality, low-paying jobs. Women  aspiring for jobs have been hit hard and many have opted out of the labour force. There is growing marginalisation of women from the growth process.  🌕As on 2017-18, the total assets of the RBI was approximately equal to 36 lakh...

13 Amazing Facts about Agriculture

🌕 India's Agriculture sector is responsible for the consumption of over 18% of overall national electricity usage. However itscontribution to the GDP is just over 5%.  🌕 India's Agricultural sector's electricity demand set to double over the next decade owing to rising irrigation demand.  🌕 India, with 18 per cent of world population, has 9.6 per cent, that is, 179.8 million hectares (mh) of global net cropland area while China, which hosts about  one-fifth of the world population, has ownership of 7 per cent of the earth’s farmland.  🌕 Average farm size in India is among the smallest in the world. That poses a challenge to any worthwhile mechanisation.  🌕 India’s 2017- 18 Economic Survey says lack of literacy stands in the way of “absorbing technologies and adopting risk-mitigating measures.” ( Use in context  of agriculture)  🌕 What certainly is not good for Indian farming is that 30 per cent of marginal and small farmers are still ...

5 Amazing Facts about Poverty

🌕 According to the UNDP and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, a large swathe of the population, comprising 364 million people, are  engulfed by multidimensional poverty and continue to experience deprivation in health, schooling, and sanitation.  🌕 India’s Multi-dimensional Povery Index was 0.121, lower than the world average of 0.159. The country was ranked 53rd out of 105 developing countries in 2017. 🌕 While there has been much progress in science and innovative applications of digital technology in diverse fields, India is still experiencing a shocking rise in  inequality. The ‘trickle down’ effect has not been very effective, even though 271 million people moved out of poverty between 2005-06 and 2015-16.  🌕The poverty rate in India has nearly halved, falling from 55 per cent to around 28 per cent in the 10-year period between 2005-06 and 2015-16.  🌕 Poverty, which was 70% during Independence, came down to 22% in...

13 Amazing Facts about Health

🌕 India accounts for one-fifth i.e 20 per cent of neonatal deaths.   🌕 Over 20 percent of neonatal deaths can be prevented if the child is breastfed. Only less than 55 percent babies are breastfed in the country. 🌕 India is home to the largest number of malnourished children in the world. 🌕 According to WHO, India has merely 0.9 beds for every 1000 Indians far below WHO's recommendation of 1.9 beds for every 1000 population.  🌕 India has 20.6 health workers per 10,000 people, as shown in a study by National Sample Survey Organisation. While it is less than the World health  Organization’s minimum threshold of 22.8, the numbers have increased from 19 health workers per 10000 people in 2012.  🌕 Rural areas with nearly 71% of India's population have only 36% of health workers.  🌕 According to NFHS – 35 % of children are malnourished and 39% of children are stunted in India. 🌕 The present ratio of doctors in urban and rural India is 3.8 : 1  🌕 India is...

18 Amazing Facts about Education

🌕 India has 14 crore population in the age group of 18 to 23, which is an age when most of them should be in colleges or polytechnic.  🌕 However, only about 3.66 crore out of this group are found pursuing tertiary education, which is counted as gross enrolment rate (GER) of 26 per cent.  🌕 The comparable GER of Russia is 81 per cent and that of China is 51 per cent. The GER of most advance countries of North Americaand Europe is in excess of 80 per cent.  🌕 The GER of India doubled in the last 10 years, the speed at which it may take us another 10 years to reach where China is today. 🌕 When it comes to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, the GER ofthis group is 21.8 per cent and 15.9 per cent. [ While it is logical to aspire to double our GER in five years, it is neither feasible nor desirable.]  🌕 More than 80 per cent of the students passing out of class 12 are now entering higher education.  🌕 Unless our GER for higher secondary goes up substantiall...

11 Amazing Facts about Politics

🌕 According to Association for Democratic Reforms Report, 43% newly elected MPs have criminal record.   🌕 The new Lok Sabha (17th Lok Sabha) has over 300 first-time MPs.  🌕 17th Lok sabha has 78 women Members of Parliament (MPs), which is the highest number in the history of Lok Sabha.  🌕 In the 16th Lok Sabha, Only 25% of the Bills introduced were referred to Committees, much lower than 71% and 60% in the 15th and 14th Lok Sabha respectively which gives them better scrutiny.  🌕 Of the 539 winning candidates in Lok Sabha election of 2019, as many as 233 MPs or 43% have criminal charges.  🌕 As of March 2019, the Supreme court has 57,785 pending cases. Of these, 13,257 have defects which makes them unfit for hearing.  🌕 According to the NCRB's Prison Statistics 2016, the occupancy rates of jails in India is more than 100 per cent. 🌕 Article 356 (President's rule) had so far been imposed 132 times to dismiss state governments.  🌕 During the 2019 ...

8 Amazing Fact about Women Employment

🌕 According to International Labour Organisation, companies that improve gender diversity — especially at the top — perform better and rake in higher profits, while countries that increase women employment see better economic growth.  🌕 The International Labour Organization found in a study that companies that improve gender diversity in their management reported significant profit increase.  🌕 As per the last NCRB report, published in 2016, there are 90,000 pending cases of sexual crimes against children.  🌕 Female participation in the workforce fell from 42.7% in 2004-05 to 23.3% in 2017-18. 🌕 Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.  🌕 According to a report by International Labour Organisation, which analysed data from 186 countries between 1991 and 2017, found that increasing women’s  emplo...


Wii Fit Format: Wii  No more cheesy workout DVDs – Wii Fit revolutionised exercising at home, hitting the jackpot with its appeal to women and seniors Rock Band Format: Multiformat. 2)Electronics Arts’ answer to Guitar Hero , live out your musical stardom fantasies in the privacy of your own living room.  Groupies not included. Heavy Rain Format: PlayStation 3 3  This popular grown-up thriller mystery game now includes Move functionality as well as the usual controlpad interaction. Sports Champions Format: PlayStation 3 4  Compete solo or against friends in six sports, including archery and volleyball. Can you beat the top scorers in the online leaderboards? Grease Format: Wii 5  This title uses all of the Wii’s functionality to create a great party game – use the Balance Board to dance and the microphone to sing along


1  Nuclear power provides 15 per cent of the world’s electricity. That power comes from 436 reactors that are in operation worldwide. A global energy source 2  The very fi rst nuclear reactor, built in Arco, Idaho in 1951, only powered four light bulbs. It was known as the Nuclear Reactor Testing Station. Born in the USA 3  The yearly total of waste that is produced from nuclear power is somewhere between 8,800 and 13,200 tons – that’s a lot of waste! A lot of waste 4  A total of 59 reactors provide 76 per cent of France’s electricity, compared to the UK’s 24 reactors providing 19 per cent of our electricity. Powers most of France 5  Approximately 150 ships, ranging from huge submarines to massive aircraft carriers, are powered by nuclear reactors. 


1  The builder of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, Sostratus – disobeying orders from the pharaoh Ptolemy – engraved his name and a dedication to the sea gods on the tower base. Fame 2  The technical term for the study of lighthouses is ‘pharology’, a word derived from Pharos, the island upon which the great Lighthouse of Alexandria once stood. Academia 3  George Meade built many notable lighthouses in the US during the classical lighthouse period. He is remembered in history as the winning general in the Battle of Gettysburg. War 4  The tallest lighthouse in the world is the Yokohama Marine Tower in Yokohama, Japan. The structure fl ashes alternately green and red every 20 seconds. Tallest 5  Originally lighthouses were lit merely with open fi res, only later progressing through candles, lanterns and electric lights. Lanterns tended to use whale oil as fuel. 


1  The world’s largest wind turbine is the Enercon E-126, which has a rotor diameter of 126m. The E-126 turbine is rated at a particularly whopping six megawatts. Megawatt 2  Worldwide investment in renewable energy has risen exponentially year-on-year, increasing from $104 billion in 2007 to a staggering $150 billion in 2009. Investment 3  Kenya is the current world leader in the number of domestic solar power systems installed per capita, with over 300,000 12-30 watt systems sold each year. African 4  The current world leader in renewable energy production is China, which in 2009 produced 682 TWh of electricity through water, wind, biomass and solar. Greenest 5  Recent estimates by scientists forecast the world will run out of the majority of fossil fuels by 2070, with natural gas being the fi rst to go, followed quickly by oil and coal. 


1  The most versatile crane for both small and large jobs is simply a telescoping hydraulic boom attached to the bed of a heavy-duty construction vehicle.  2  Shaped like an upside down ‘U’, this small but powerful crane rolls along tracks on factory fl oors to lift car engines and other heavy parts into place.  3  This crane rolls onto the work site as a compact, foldable unit only 13.6m long. The crane rises and extends its jib 32m out with a holding capacity of 4,000kg.  4  The jib arm of this tower crane – which can still carry 35 tons – can be raised from a fl at horizontal position to an 85-degree angle using a special jib cable and motor.  5  The classic T-shaped tower crane with a fi xed horizontal jib and counterweight arm. The hammerhead lacks freedom of movement, but can carry more weight. 


1  Opened in 2010, Ferrari World is home to the world’s fastest roller coaster. Formula Rossa has a top speed of nearly 240km/h (150mph) and riders have to wear safety goggles. Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi 2  This ‘Strata coaster’ is not only the tallest (139m/456ft), it also has the biggest drop (127m/418ft), and before Formula Rossa opened it was also the fastest in operation. Kingda Ka, New Jersey 3  For sheer length of thrill, this one tops the lot with a running length of 2,479m (8,133ft). Hopefully you won’t decide you hate it after the fi rst twist. Steel Dragon 2000, Nagashima, Japan 4  A combination of loop, double corkscrew, heartline roll, cobra roll and quad heartline roll hand this ride has a record number of inversions. Colossus, Thorpe Park, UK 5  Running parallel to the famed German racetrack, this goes from 0-217km/h (0-135mph) in 2.5 seconds! That’s way beyond any road car. 


Kangaroos only sweat while they are hopping. When they stop exercising, they pant, just like dogs do. A kangaroo mother may have a newborn joey and a much older baby (called a yearling) nursing at the same time. Each one will get milk that is formulated to suit him best nutritionally. Strangely, kangaroos burn less energy the faster they hop… up to 20 miles per hour. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A male kangaroo is called a buck, a boomer, or an old man. A female kangaroo is called a doe or a flyer. For a long time, people thought the word kangaroo meant "I don't know" in an aboriginal Australian language. Probably, the word comes from gangurru, a native name for one kind of kangaroo. 

10 Brainy facts that will make you fell awesome

1)Most of the intelligent men and women are more easily annoyed by people in general. 2)It is estimated that millions  of tress in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nut and forget where they hide them. 3)Music has been known to build an emotional bond between people, so singing in group actually bring closer together. 4)Being single will save you a thousand times more stress than being in the wrong relationship. 5)Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can't speak the pain. 6)Seteriophobia is a psychological condition which causes a person to refuse depending on other out of fear of being disappointed. 7)Eating a piece of chocolate at breakfast can help to stabilize your mood and increase happiness through out the day. 8)Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolates to extend his chocolate ration. 9)When you stand up quickly from sitting position dizzy, it's known as "Orthosta...