1)Did you know that this colourful little chap is the Costa Rican Variable Harlequin toad aka the Clown frog.
2)Did you know that the Karni Mata Hindu Temple in Rajasthan, India, is also known as the Temple of Rats. The temple is famous for the approximately 25,000 revered black rats that live there. Visitors play with and feed the rats and even sometimes drink from the same milk and eat the same food.
2)Did you know that the Karni Mata Hindu Temple in Rajasthan, India, is also known as the Temple of Rats. The temple is famous for the approximately 25,000 revered black rats that live there. Visitors play with and feed the rats and even sometimes drink from the same milk and eat the same food.
3)Did you know that vanilla flavoring is sometimes made with the urine of beavers.
4)Did you know that Botox is made from botulinium toxin which is considered the most deadly substance in the World as half a pound would be enough to wipe out the entire World population. Almost all the Botox in use throughout the World is made in one single factory in Ireland.
5)Did you know that tuna swim at a continuous steady rate of about 14km per hour for their whole life until they die. Whilst alive they never stop moving as if they stop they are unable to pump water through their gills.
6)Did you know that these are different varieties of grinning monkey orchids, found in the wild in South America.
7)Did you know that Marie Curie exposed herself to so much radiation that her research notes and even her kitchen cookbooks are still too radioactive to handle today.
8)Did you know that in 2013, a pair of German inventors created a digital pen that can check for spelling mistakes in handwriting. The Lernstift, pictured, has a built-in sensor that recognises writing movements and tracks the shape of the letters to trace words. It then vibrates when a mistake is made.
9)Did you know that bridesmaids were originally introduced to confuse evil spirits that may be watching the wedding as to the identity of the real bride, thus ensuring a happier future married life.
10)Did you know that giant isopods apparently make good pets. Looks like they keep the place free of dorito crumbs as well.
11)Did you know that the Tsingy De Bemaraha National Park in Madagascar is still very under researched, mainly because the terrain is so difficult to travel into. It is known to be home to several indigenous species of animals.
12)Did you know that the black widow spider is so named because of the female's habit of eating her suitors shortly after courtship. She can mate with and consume as many as twenty five male spiders in a single day.
13)Did you Know that this is the Australian stained glass mirror spider.
14)Did you know that if you want to create the illusion that you are floating on air all you need to do is pour a small patch of water and then step away from it.
15)Did you know that the dubious claim to fame of Overtoun Bridge near Dumbarton in Scotland is that over 600 dogs have attempted to commit suicide by jumping from the bridge and nobody really knows why. People have witnessed a leaping dog that survived climb back to the top and jump again.
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