🌕 India's Agriculture sector is responsible for the consumption of over 18% of overall national electricity usage. However itscontribution to the GDP is just over 5%.
🌕 India's Agricultural sector's electricity demand set to double over the next decade owing to rising irrigation demand.
🌕 India, with 18 per cent of world population, has 9.6 per cent, that is, 179.8 million hectares (mh) of global net cropland area while China, which hosts about
one-fifth of the world population, has ownership of 7 per cent of the earth’s farmland.
🌕 Average farm size in India is among the smallest in the world. That poses a challenge to any worthwhile mechanisation.
🌕 India’s 2017- 18 Economic Survey says lack of literacy stands in the way of “absorbing technologies and adopting risk-mitigating measures.” ( Use in context
of agriculture)
🌕 What certainly is not good for Indian farming is that 30 per cent of marginal and small farmers are still illiterate.
🌕 According to the 10th agriculture census, average Indian farmland size shrink in excess of 6 per cent to 1.08 h from 1.15 h between 2010-11 and 2015-16.
🌕 According to the 10th agriculture census, the share of small and marginal holdings ranging up to 2 h rose to 86.2% from 84.9% of total holdings. Between 2010-11 and 2015-16, the number of small holding was up 7.34% to 125.86 million (m) from 117.25 m.
🌕 While 50 per cent of the population depends on agriculture, less than 1 per cent are studying agriculture.
🌕 A total of 12,021 farmers have died in Maharashtra due to suicide between 2015 and 2018.
🌕 According to NABARD report, the average Indian farmer has a loan burden of ₹ 104000 (One lakh four thousand rupees).
🌕 70 percent of India's rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal.
🌕 Institutional lending for marginal and small farmers accounts only 30% of their total borrowing. The corresponding figure for landless agricultural workers is
even worse at 15%.
🌕 Since more than two-thirds of our population still lives in rural areas and they main occupation is agriculture, agri-food policies are crucial to welfare of the masses.
🌕 More than 60% of India's agriculture is rainfed.
🌕 Only 23% of rural income now comes from farming
🌕 India’s agricultural sector contributed 16 percent to the country’s GDP in 2017.
🌕 It supports the livelihoods of 43.9 percent of the population.
🌕 Employment in this sector has decreased by 10 percentage points within a decade, from 53.1 percent in 2008 to 43.9 percent in 2018.
🌕 The Economic Survey of 2017-18 pointed out that below- average rainfall in unirrigated parts of the country could wipe out as much as 25% of the annual
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