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11 Amazing Facts about Politics

🌕 According to Association for Democratic Reforms Report, 43% newly elected MPs have criminal record.
🌕 The new Lok Sabha (17th Lok Sabha) has over 300 first-time MPs. 

🌕 17th Lok sabha has 78 women Members of Parliament (MPs), which is the highest number in the history of Lok Sabha. 

🌕 In the 16th Lok Sabha, Only 25% of the Bills
introduced were referred to Committees, much lower than 71% and 60% in the 15th and 14th Lok Sabha respectively which gives them better scrutiny. 

🌕 Of the 539 winning candidates in Lok Sabha election
of 2019, as many as 233 MPs or 43% have criminal charges. 

🌕 As of March 2019, the Supreme court has 57,785
pending cases. Of these, 13,257 have defects which makes them unfit for hearing. 

🌕 According to the NCRB's Prison Statistics 2016, the
occupancy rates of jails in India is more than 100 per cent.

🌕 Article 356 (President's rule) had so far been imposed 132 times to dismiss state governments. 

🌕 During the 2019 Budget Session, 28 bills were introduced and passed — the highest for any session in ten years, but none of them were referred to a committee which gives better scrutiny.
🌕 Of the 3.5 crores pending in Indian Judiciary, 87.3% is in lower judiciary and remaining is in higher judiiciary. (12.5% - HC; 0.2% - SC) 

🌕 As of July 2019, the number of pending cases in Supreme Court is around 59,000.


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