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7 Amazing Facts about India's Pollution/Climate change

🌕 Chennai has endured the longest dry spell in a decade this year, with no rains for over 190 days since the northeast monsoon last year.

🌕 From 1965--2017, the Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea have collectively registered 46 ‘severe cyclonic storms.’ As many as 28 of them were from October--December. Seven of them have been in May and only two — in 1966 
and 1976 — were recorded in April, data from the IMD’s cyclone­ statistics unit shows.
🌕 About 20-30 severe tropical storms occur around the world every year. 
🌕 Tropical cyclones in the Indian neighbourhood begin as ‘depressions’ or a gradual build-up of warm air and pockets of low pressure. About 35% of such formations intensify to ‘cyclones’ and only 7% intensify to ‘very severe cyclones’. ( The above datas relate to why tropical storms occurred in may month. This should be seen in that context. If you don’t understand leave it. pick up datas only which use feel you can use it somewhere. Be selective.) 

🌕 As per Friends of Earth, in Europe alone, climate change has taken the lives of over 1.15 lakh people since 1980, causing a loss of 453 billion euros. 

🌕 According to NITI Aayog water management index report, cities in 21 Indian states, will run out of groundwater by 2020, affecting 100 million people. 

🌕 According to the 2018 World Health Organisation data, 14 out of top 15 world's most polluted cities on earth are from India.

🌕 According to Greenpeace, India emits the most sulphur dioxide (SO2) in the world. India contributes more than 15% of global anthropogenic emissions.
🌕 India saw increase in emission of carbon dioxide in 2018 by 4.8% from 2017, according to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA). 

🌕 India’s emissions growth in 2018 was higher than that of the United States and China — the two biggest emitters in the world according to a report by the (IEA). 

🌕 According to the report, despite this growth the per capita emissions in India remain low at only 40% of the global average.

🌕 According to the report, Emissions from India accounted for 7% of the global CO2 burden in 2018 compare with US’s 14% 

🌕 According to the report, China, the United States, and India together accounted for nearly 70% of the rise in energy demand. 

🌕 India bears the notorious burden of repeatedly having the maximum number of cities on the WHO’s list of most polluted places. 

🌕 The Health Effects Institute (HEI) report says, Toxic air proved fatal for over 1.2 million in 2017 in the country. 

🌕 HEI report predicts that the lifespan of a child born in India today is likely to be two and a half years shortened as against the life expectancy loss of 20 months in countries that have controlled pollution.


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