Firstly, plastic is not biodegradable. As compared to organic waste, it takes hundreds of years to decompose. But, if the quantity of swallowed plastic is small, then it will not be a problem. Our body pushes out the materials which it cannot digest. Problems might occur if the quantity of swallowed plastic is large. Our body will not be able to push it out. It will stay in our gut and might partially prevent further food digestion. In extreme cases, this may also prove to be fatal.
Also, many plastics are chemical-laden. These chemicals are commonly known as phthalates. They are used to make plastics more flexible, transparent, hard to break as well as to increase their longevity. Phthalates are extremely harmful to our body. They can damage our liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system.
•We'd all like to be more effective in reaching our goals, and according to behaviorists, the way to improve our effectiveness is by rewarding ourselves for the little steps that take us closer and closer to those desirable outcomes. •First, find something you really like to do or something you'd like to have that can, realistically, serve as a reward. •Then, take the goal that you are hoping to achieve that, realistically, you could achieve but just haven't succeeded at yet. •Next, work backward from that goal to your present state. •Arrange to give yourself those desired rewards as you inch closer from where you are now to the desired end point. •As you start to make progress, only give yourself a reward when you've moved forward from where you are now. •For example, if you'd like to cut back on your television watching and instead read more often, reward yourself by allowing yourself to watch television only when you've read for 20 minu...
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