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How Roller coasters work?

They strike fear into many, but we still love them! Here, we detail the engineering achievement that is the roller coaster, roller coaster working model,roller coaster ride,s ience behind roller coaster,famous roller coaster in world.

Some of the world’s most forward-looking engineering is actually in operation right now, in the unexpected setting of the world’s theme parks. From the pioneering 18th Century ‘Russian Mountains’, people have been hooked on the frightful thrill of a roller coaster – and ever since, the challenge has been to make an even bigger, even better, even more terrifying one.
Today, they incorporate solutions that are at the leading edge of scientifi c development. This means they are able to accelerate as fast as a drag racer and let passengers experience G-forces way in excess of a Formula 1 race car.  They do all this in complete safety, having passed the very strictest engineering standards. People travel for miles to ride on the latest roller coaster – they’ll even cross continents just to experience the latest thrill. But why? Here, we explain all....

1. Corkscrew 

The corkscrew is among the most famous roller coaster elements. Trains enter the corkscrew and are twisted through 360º and emerge travelling in a different direction.

2. Headchopper

 Designers build the layout tightly so they ‘appear’ to risk chopping passengers’ heads off as they approach! The reality is there’s ample clearance, but it’s a big part of the thrill.

3. Zero-gravity roll

 Riders experience zero G. Gravity is cancelled out by opposing forces so there is a feeling of weightlessness. It is often felt on uphill 360º twists. 

4. Lift hill 

The lift hill is the first rising section of track containing the drive mechanism to raise the roller coaster to the summit.

5. Brake run

 These are sections of track, usually at the end, that incorporate a braking device to slow the roller coaster. These can be skids, a fin on the car or, more recently, magnetic eddy current brakes.

6. Train 

Two or more cars linked up are called a train. The position of the car in a train dictates the effects on the riders. 

7. Dive loop

 A dive loop is a type of roller coaster inversion where the track twists upwards and to the side, and then dives toward the ground in a half vertical loop  

How roller coasters roll

 Roller coaster trains are unpowered. They rely on an initial application of acceleration force, then combine stored potential energy and gravitational forces to continue along the track. This is why they rise and fall as they twist and turn. There are various methods of launching a roller coaster. Traditionally, a lift hill is used – the train is pulled up a steep section of track. It is released at the top, where gravity transfers potential energy into kinetic energy, accelerating the train. Launches can be via a chain lift that locks onto the underneath of the train, or a motorised drive tyre system, or a simple cable lift. There is also the catapult launch lift: the train is accelerated very fast by an engine or a dropped weight. Newer roller coasters use motors for launching. These generate intense acceleration on a fl at section of track. Linear induction motors use electromagnetic force to pull the train along the track. They are very controllable with modern electronics. Some rides now have induction motors at points along the track, negating the need to store all the energy at the lift hill – giving designers more opportunities to create new sensations. Hydraulic launch systems are also starting to become more popular. Careful calculation means a roller coaster releases roughly enough energy to complete the course. At the end, a brake run halts the train – this compensates for different velocities caused by varying forces due to changing passenger loads.

Anatomy of a roller coaster

 Roller coasters comprise many elements, each with its own specifi c physical characteristics. Designers give a ride character by applying an understanding of physics to build up a sequence of thrills. These are all interrelated and mean the experience of every ride is exciting and unique. Computer models can analyse the forces that will be produced by each twist and turn, ensuring they are kept within specifi c boundaries. Roller coasters may look like a random snake of track, but the reality is years of scientifi c calculations to provide just the right effects.


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